(044) 503 77 71
(067) 400 81 04
(067) 340 11 77



Poland, Masuria


Country: Poland, Masuria
Number of persons: 150
Period: July 2011, 7 nights
Customer: Megatrade

Project manager: Olha Eyrikh, Anhelina Chayka




Customer’s objectives:
 - company’s 15th anniversary celebration, 150 participants

 - Funny, active, eventful program
 - Picturesque landscapes and views
 - Short flight




Tour offer:
Partnership conference dedicated to 15th anniversary of Megatrade took place at a comfortable Ognisty Ptak Hotel in Polish Masuria – a land of numerous lakes. The company, according to a tradition of recent years, has conducted its partnership events in a form of a fishing competition, thus combing business part with team building efforts.



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